
Move your files with ease

How I Approach Security

While building TimeToMove, I’ve made security a priority. Protecting your data is important, and I’ve put in place several measures to ensure a safe experience. Here's what I’ve done to make sure things stay secure:

Input Validation & Sanitization

One common security risk is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), where harmful code can be injected into a website. To prevent this, I’ve implemented input validation and sanitization throughout the platform:

Password Security

Your passwords are treated with extra care:

Session Security

Every user’s session is designed to be secure, ensuring that unauthorized access is blocked:

IP-Based View Counting

To keep track of page views while respecting your privacy, I’ve set up a system that uses hashed IP addresses:

File Upload Security

I’ve implemented a robust file upload system that allows a wide range of file types, ensuring flexibility without compromising security. Here are the key security measures in place:

SQL Injection Prevention

SQL injection is another common risk, but I've taken steps to prevent it. All database queries use parameterized statements, ensuring that user input is never directly inserted into SQL commands, which helps eliminate the risk of injection attacks.

Bot Protection

To enhance security and prevent automated attacks, I've implemented CAPTCHA on both the registration and login pages. This additional layer of protection helps stop bots from creating multiple fake accounts or attempting to guess passwords through brute-force attacks, thereby safeguarding our users' accounts.

Staying on Top of Security

Security is an ongoing process. I continuously monitor the platform for vulnerabilities and apply updates when necessary. If you ever notice anything that seems off, please let me know so I can address it right away.