
Move your files with ease

Express: Handles server-side routing and middleware.

MySQL: Used for data storage and retrieval.

Passport.js: User authentication.

Axios: Making HTTP requests.

Lodash: Utility functions.

BcryptJS: Hashing passwords.

Sanitize-HTML: Preventing XSS attacks.

Multer: Handling file uploads.

Archiver: Creating zip files.

Nodemailer: Sending emails.

Dotenv: Managing environment variables.

Node-Cron: Scheduling tasks.

PDFKit: Generating PDF documents.

Server: Running node index.js with PM2 to keep it running.

Raspberry Pi: Boots up and runs automatically if it crashes.

Cloudflare: Tunnel to make the server public.

Domain: felixcenusa.com to access the web app publicly.